Friday, February 25, 2011

Lots of possibilities

You may have to double-click these pictures to make them a little larger.  Pulled them down from the SU demonstrator gallery.  Thought  it was yet another good idea for the owl punch.  Wow! Just tons of possibilities for that punch and stamp.  I'm going to breakdown and order it this weekend. 

Mona, I'm not sure if Brighton's reading or not but I thought it would make a cute bookmark for him.  May have to make one for my mother too, who is a big reader.  And now that I think about it, may just have to make her several for her kids at school in her reading class.

Will try to have more original posts next week.   Kind of cheated this week with pulling things from other sites since I hit my creative slump last weekend.  Hope you didn't mind. 

Have a good weekend. 

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