This cover was a collage of some things from our time out in Santa Barbara. We both attended the WACUBO Business Management Institute for 1 week each summer for 4 years. It was a great school and a great place to spend some time. We had Wednesday afternoons off from school each year so we would got to a little wine tasting or wandering in the shops of downtown Santa Barbara. And one night we even caught a concert from one of my all-time favorite folk singer songwriters, Dave Wilcox. Faythe was such a good sport as she had never heard any of his music.
I'll be forever grateful for that time with her as I am for my time with you. Had a wonderful, energizing time at the shop last night. We missed you Mona but hope you're feeling much better today.
P.S. Don't you love the back of the CD case and some of those quotes? (You may have to double-click on the picture to see them up close) And better yet the homemade clip art from FinDW and the year-end ledgers. Now those were some really good times, huh Val?!